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BMW wheels

 Moderowane przez: Furiosus, fuso, mar125, rallyfilip » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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 2008-09-13 12:56:56

What model BMW wheels fit the 126P?

I know they are 'Rekin wheels' but here in the UK we don't call any model BMW 'shark'.

Many thanks.

2009-01-29 21:56
 2008-09-13 13:02:08

w sumie w te dwa lata które jestes w Polsce mógł byś się nauczyć komunikować po Polsku .

BMW ma rozstraw śrób 4X100 , fiat 4X98 . prawie pasują
"rekiny" pochodzą z e21

2021-01-21 20:54
 2008-09-13 13:08:02

I do but sadly the nearly 1million Poles in the UK still don't speak English. I posted on an English part of the forum. In the past I posted on the Polish side and had many comments when i made Polish grammar mistakes.

Many thanks I will search for some e21 Wheels.
2009-01-29 21:56
 2008-09-13 13:09:33

I do but sadly the nearly 1million Poles in the UK still don't speak English. I posted on an English part of the forum. In the past I posted on the Polish side and had many comments when i made Polish grammar mistakes.

Many thanks I will search for some e21 Wheels.
2009-01-29 21:56
 2009-02-02 19:51:14

Sometimes we call "rekiny" on OZ wheels
2016-06-01 22:29 » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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