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Zaplonowe/nanoplex ignition manual

 Moderowane przez: Furiosus, fuso, mar125, rallyfilip » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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 2009-09-14 23:32:04

I found it on
I don't know if it's allowed to post here. However I can't post the link so well that you can visit the site directly.
If sombody would be so kind to do it and tell something about nanoplex. How to use the tools as multimeter for exemple..
Thanks in advance
2013-04-24 23:19
 2009-09-16 17:21:06

nanoplex colours
about the coil(cewka):1(-) from pin number 7,15(+) from ignition switch.
The colours:b=white,c=black,f=violet,k=red,n=blue,p=orange, t=green (I hope there are no pices of mistake)
the nanoplex manual
2013-04-24 23:19
 2009-10-09 20:34:52

Mybe it can explains better:
Here, how to check the ignition. It's in polish and still to upgrde.
However I'll add the link using google translate:
check up
On 126 nanoplex used were med210-211a with idle at 4° till april 13 1995 car n37077822 then med 213a wit idle at 10°:

nanoplex on 126s
On cinquecento 700 med 210a was used on weber-fos crburated ones while med 211a on aisan carburated ones:
on cc
There's a nanoplex replacement by ape:
ape 20ff
I can't add a comment or a piece of advice.
Something about ape 20ff found on web,motonews too:
ape promoter
Here somebody says to have bought it:
ape testimonials
It doesn't to use google translate:
tuning with ape
2013-04-24 23:19
 2009-10-10 18:23:06

I missed allow,sorry. I was going to say: it doen't allow to use goole translate.
Nanoplex 210-211 and 213 ignition curves:
There are 2 ignition maps in the nanoplex according manifold pressure:
Vacuum in the manifold > 150mmHg the pressure sensor swicthes on and the pin 3 is grounded and it's selected the curve with more max advance.
Vacuum < 150mmHg the pressure sensor switches off and it's selected the curve with less max advanve.
I hope there are no mistakes.
There's a bolt on the bottom of pressure sensor so it makes pressure adjustable.

Would somebody be so kind to give a piece of advice about a good ignition for 126 maluch:parts,building..
Here something about polonez ignition module gl 1280-200,digitech,sts-12,str-12,kjs,rc:
maluch ignition
Can nanoplex rpm limiter be excluded?
Thanks in advance
2013-04-24 23:19
 2009-10-26 01:11:30

I found another nanoplex replacement. I don't know the difference.
It's called gl 226 and it's made by Obrem-Elektonika.
ignition module gl 226 I
ignition module gl 226 II
2013-04-24 23:19 » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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