Brand new body to fiat 126?

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I was just thinking of a thing, is there brand new bodys to fiat 126 for sale anywhere?

Regards Jon
It's hard to find something like new carbody. You must be patient

Try to search on "" - magic words are: "NADWOZIE 126p" (carbody) or "NOWE NADWOZIE 126p" (new carbody) or "KAROSERIA 126p" (carbody)
Ok! it was just a tought! Sometimes when carmanufactors stop building a car there is much "left overs" so thats why i asked!

I will look for that! Thanks!

Regards Jon

2010-01-01 23:50:08, el_comendanto pisze:
It's hard to find something like new carbody. You must be patient Try to search on "" - magic words are: "NADWOZIE 126p" (carbody) or "NOWE NADWOZIE 126p" (new carbody) or "KAROSERIA 126p" (carbody)